I think that homeopathy is a myth just like turning lead into gold. How can water, a compound (non liivng) have memory? Does water has a brain? The ideas of water having a memory of the chemical that is diluted is a wild idea without proof. No proof means no validity. If there is a doctor that prescribed me to homeopahty, suing the doctor is the first thing I would do. How can a doctor who has all the knowledge in biology and chemistry believe in a myth such as homoepathy? The doctor must be overly exposed to x-ray radiation in order to believe in such wild ideas because there is not scientific evidence backing up for it.
Nonetheless, homeopathy works similarly to some types of treatment for allergies. An example given in the BBC page about homeopahty states that "For example, it is believed that onions, which produce streaming, itchy eyes, can be used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever."